Dan hasn’t completed the last half of our adventures in the desert blog yet, but I thought I’d write a little about what we are doing at the moment. We are currently in Sucre, Bolivia. We finally got our visas and have been here 13 days. We are staying in an amazing guesthouse (La Dolce Vita or The Sweet Life) in our own little suite. The owners of the guesthouse are on vacation so we pretty much have the place to ourselves, although there are always some random Germans around (this can never be avoided in South America J ).
One note: We have been fairly sickly here, this was to be expected. My digestion has troubled me from my first day in Bolivia, and Dan for about a week, so we had to do a three day antibiotic regimen. This appears to have taken care of the problem, and we are hoping to be healthy from here on out, although we aren’t holding our breath!
La Paz is soooo high! And the mountains around it are higher yet! Look out for the altitude. December is the very best time to visit MacchuPicchu. I love Cuzco. Should be lovely. We'll be in Belize at the end of January, if you want to hook-up on your way home!
ReplyDeleteI was just reading about La Paz today. They banned football matches from being played there for a while, haha.
ReplyDeleteEntonces, teneis una vida de semi-lujo en La Paz. ¿Que haceis, exactamente? ¿Estais dando clases de inglés y recibiendo, en cambio, clases de español? ¿Y a que atribueis las enfermidades digestivas? Cuando yo estaba en México, las verduras frescas me puserion enfermo varios veses. Las frutas frescas también. Y el helado - pues, no es una buen idea comer helado en paises medio pobres, pero lo hice yo, y con resultados graves. ¿Cuanto tiempo os queda en America del Sur?