Today is our 90th day on the wagon! I want my god-forsaken coin. Hey, I know I don’t go to AA, but I still want a coin, or a plaque, a statue or something! So if you have one lying around… please send it my way. Thanks! So if Dan and I were doing this sobriety thing the “right” way, this day would be the day we would move on from our comfortable rehabilitation clinic and into a sober living facility. The show Intervention would also be coming to do their follow up interview, and damn we would look SOOO much better now! “Look how much weight they’ve lost!” people would say. Well fortunately for us, we already live in a half-way house called DaeJu Aparta. So there’s no big change, just still taking every day as it comes and trying to stay sober. Here are some of my reflections on being sober for such an eternal amount of time.
1,) It’s a myth that you will shed pounds just from not drinking. You will lose weight if you don’t sit around on your ass eating to make yourself feel better about not going out. Luckily, Dan and I have succeeded at taking the healthy route and we have both lost a little weight. I feel great about maintaining my 120 pounds for four years now! Dan is dropping pounds like Mos Def drops rhymes. I think he weighs less than me.
2.) Some people will drop you from their lives completely. Maybe they just don’t want to hangout and do anything other than drink, maybe they just don’t want a mirror held up to their own drinking habits, I don’t know but it’s all good. I’m not offended in the least because six months ago I would have reacted the exact same way.
3.) People will try their hardest to convince you to drink!! This was a slightly unexpected experience. Many of our friends didn’t really believe that we really quit and would offer us drinks, but most just stopped after a while. A few people have really spent a lot of time and energy trying to get us to have “just one.” It’s hard to come up with reasons why not to have a drink after a while! After telling them that "just one" is a ky jelly soaked slope to topless bar dancing, the subsequent reasons don't carry as much weight.
4.) Sunday mornings exist. And they are glorious. As long as they don't include choirs or homilies.
5.) To stay sober it is important to just accept the way you feel and act accordingly. There have been a couple of days when we felt very melancholy so we just hung around the house, watched the Wire and didn’t really attempt to “fix” our mood. We have also had pretty intense cravings to drink and during those times we went out and did something to take our mind off the pull of the alcohol. When you’re sober you have to actually feel how you feel, no escape, no release. This is tough but we’ve managed to make it though!
All in all, it’s been a slightly rocky ride to the 90 day mark, but we made it! Only 275 more days to go…