Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sobriety is a Bitch

It's Sunday night, one more weekend on the wagon under our belts and lets just say it was a rough one. This was partly because I worked on a SATURDAY, which is blasphemy, and partly because drinking is fun and well, we didn't drink. Sometimes I work at an English Village for little extra money and when they called me to work Saturday, I thought what the hell. It's not like I'd be hungover anyway. So I taught for five, thirty minute classes to kindergartners that didn't speak a word of English. "Taught" being used in the very liberal sense of the word... more like just filled in their name and age on a paper passport. Easiest job EVER. But still, working on my day off makes me want to drink. When I got home, a very well rested Dan informed me that our friends were having a wine and cheese party. This is not what I wanted to hear. What I wanted to hear was that every single foreigner and cool Korean in Gwangju was sick and would not be going out that night. Anyway, a wine and cheese party is def my cup of tea. The urge to drink became strong. Dan wanted to go, but he was also feeling the strong pull of potential oblivion (or at least looseness). So we bickered back in forth for a while before deciding going would probably just result in eyeballing our friends delicious glasses of glib lipped fermented grape heaven with envy and result in little fun. Instead we walked over to Chonam University and ate fried chicken and pizza. Still not too much fun but at least the wine wasn't staring us in the face.
Today we did nothing but lay around, watch some TV shows, cleaned our house and other lame ass shit. Then we walked downtown to meet some friends for dinner at a fairly new pub opened by a foreigner.

Side note: The new pub is called the Alleyway and it's in an alleyway (wadda know) near McDonalds downtown. GREAT food, friendly staff, super laid back. Only problem, there is no music. This would not be a problem except the place is super small and pretty much only foreigners so you can't help but eavesdrop and be eavesdropped on.

Anyway, dinner was good. Dan is participating in something so nerdy I cannot mention the topic on this here blog. That topic was discussed, then we just chatted about life in the Ju.

All I have to say is I CAN NOT WAIT for spring to have sprung so we can go to some festivals and travel around a bit on the weekends. It is incredibly difficult to stay sober with nothing new and interesting to keep our minds active.
Peace! A

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