Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thinking of Teaching in Korea?

Before you decide to teach in Korea, check out this blog. This guy taught at an all girls Middle School in Anseong (probably one of the easier jobs in Korea) for one year and writes in detail about what the work environment is like. Obviously, everyone has a different experience, but I would agree with 95% of what he has to say. I would also like to say that teaching in public school is a much better job than teaching in a private hogwon, and I would NEVER recommend someone to even think about working in one. Why? Less vacation. More work. Period.

I have had a very similar experience to him... I came here with an optimistic attitude, I enjoy teaching, I am over qualified and I strive to do a good job. I'm leaving with a very negative attitude about Korean culture and I truly hope I never have to come back. Anyway, check it out! Just keep in mind, he is strictly talking about the work environment, not living in Korea or anything else outside of work! A

1 comment:

  1. I disagree about Korea being a safe country. Korea is the rape capital of Asia. And don't forget about Korea's use of blood money to buy their way out of charges.
